Muladhara root chakra meditation singing bowl gift box

Regular price $75.00
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A beautifully crafted gift or to place on your altar. 

Hand crafted in Kathmandu, Nepal. Beautiful reddish brown painted singing bowl in gift box with an image of the Muladhara or the Root Chakra symbol painted in gold tone on the inner bowl bottom. This lovely gift box comes complete with bowl, flat round brocade cushion, and wooden striker - all in a beautiful handmade red lokta paper box stamped with an image of the Muladhara on the lid with string and button closure. A perfect gift for family, friends and students.

Sanskrit name: Muladhara (root, support)
Mantra: Be grounded
Symbol: Lotus with 4 petals
Colour: Ruby red
Location: Base of spine (perineum)
Corresponding hormonal gland: adrenal gland
Associated anatomy: kidneys, spine, colon, legs, feet 
Characteristics: patience, structure, stability, security, ability to manifest your dreams, related to sexuality

Imbalanced root chakra life issues: value material possessions as sacred, find trust in places of despair, having no direction in life, excessive worry about having enough money, security, safety, possessions

Affected by: thoughts and feelings concerning needs, physical safety, home, possessions, career, finances

Physical activities: yoga, movement focusing on legs & feet, any activity that is grounding, physical and demands presence

Spiritual activities: noticing the beauty and perfection of the natural world, grounding meditations

Musical note: C

Round cushion 3 inch diameter. Wood striker is 3.5 inch long. Box size is 4.25 x 3.75 x 2 inch. Handmade in Nepal.

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