Regular price $12.00Smudges put out a lot of soothing smoke. This Lavender smudge stick bundle is approximately 3 to 4 inches in length. Use it in your ritual ceremony, for house cleansing or simply for aromatic pleasure. Enjoy its wonderful fragrance.
Lavender, long associated with the heart chakra, and the air element, has been called by healers 'The Mother Plant and Grandmother Plant' due to her multi-faceted uses and medicinal qualities. The uses of lavender are known from as far back as 2500 years ago and has been one of the most consistently used plants in history.
Lavender has been called blue magic, and is said to be ruled by Mercury, the great communicator. Lavender works to soothe and calm people who tend to absorb a great deal of others energy. Then helping to remove the energy of others.
To burn a smudge stick - simply light the tip, blow it out and gently move in a clockwise direction, or place in a glass or metal container (one that will not burn) with sand or salt placed therein to hold the smudge upright. To extinguish, invert smudge into the sand or salt to smother.
Available for New Zealand customers only.